Gurudwara Shri Bhuda Sahib, Bilaspur


GURUDWARA SHRI BHUDA SAHIB is situated in the old Bilaspur City, Himachal Pradesh. SHRI GURU TEGH BAHADUR JI along with family (MATA JI & SHRI GURU GOBIND SINGH JI in Childhood) went to Bilaspur to attend the mourning for Raja Dalip Chand of Bilaspur. The Dowager Rani Champa of Bilaspur offered to give the GURU SAHIB a piece of land in her state. GURU SAHIB bought the site on payment of Rs 500 (Five Hundred Ruppees). The land consisted of the villages of Lodhipur, Mianpur and Sahota. Here on the mound of Makhowal, SHRI GURU TEGH BAHADUR JI raised a new habitation. The new village was named after the GURU SAHIB's mother, MATA NANAKI JI. Chakk Nanaki later became famous as Anandpur Sahib. But as the The historic town was submerged in 1954 when the Sutlej River was dammed to create the Gobind Sagar(BHAKHRA DAM), and a new town was built up slope of the old. So the Actual GURUDWARA SAHIB is not Accessible but Administration had given land to GURUDWARA SAHIB here in Now Bilaspur City.

Gurudwara Shri Bhuda Sahib, Bilaspur
Related To :

  • Guru Teg Bahadar Sahib Ji
  • Guru Gobind Singh Ji


old Bilaspur City, Himachal Pradesh. India

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